Source code for pixyz.losses.expectations

from .losses import Loss

[docs]class CrossEntropy(Loss): r""" Cross entropy, a.k.a., the negative expected value of log-likelihood (Monte Carlo approximation). .. math:: -\mathbb{E}_{q(x)}[\log p(x)] \approx -\frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^L \log p(x_l), where :math:`x_l \sim q(x)`. """ def __init__(self, p1, p2, input_var=None): if input_var is None: input_var = list(set(p1.input_var + p2.var)) super().__init__(p1, p2, input_var=input_var) @property def loss_text(self): return "-E_{}[log {}]".format(self._p1.prob_text, self._p2.prob_text) def _get_estimated_value(self, x={}, **kwargs): samples_dict = self._p1.sample(x, reparam=True, return_all=True) loss = -self._p2.log_likelihood(samples_dict) return loss, samples_dict
[docs]class Entropy(Loss): r""" Entropy (Monte Carlo approximation). .. math:: -\mathbb{E}_{p(x)}[\log p(x)] \approx -\frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^L \log p(x_l), where :math:`x_l \sim p(x)`. Note: This class is a special case of the `CrossEntropy` class. You can get the same result with `CrossEntropy`. """ def __init__(self, p1, input_var=None): if input_var is None: input_var = p1.input_var super().__init__(p1, None, input_var=input_var) @property def loss_text(self): return "-E_{}[log {}]".format(self._p1.prob_text, self._p1.prob_text) def _get_estimated_value(self, x={}, **kwargs): samples_dict = self._p1.sample(x, reparam=True, return_all=True) loss = self._p1.log_likelihood(samples_dict) return loss, samples_dict
[docs]class StochasticReconstructionLoss(Loss): r""" Reconstruction Loss (Monte Carlo approximation). .. math:: -\mathbb{E}_{q(z|x)}[\log p(x|z)] \approx -\frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^L \log p(x|z_l), where :math:`z_l \sim q(z|x)`. Note: This class is a special case of the `CrossEntropy` class. You can get the same result with `CrossEntropy`. """ def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, input_var=None): if input_var is None: input_var = encoder.input_var if not(set(decoder.var) <= set(input_var)): raise ValueError("Variable {} (in the `{}` class) is not included" " in `input_var` of the `{}` class.".format(decoder.var, decoder.__class__.__name__, encoder.__class__.__name__)) super().__init__(encoder, decoder, input_var=input_var) @property def loss_text(self): return "-E_{}[log {}]".format(self._p1.prob_text, self._p2.prob_text) def _get_estimated_value(self, x={}, **kwargs): samples_dict = self._p1.sample(x, reparam=True, return_all=True) loss = -self._p2.log_likelihood(samples_dict) return loss, samples_dict
[docs]class LossExpectation(Loss): r""" Expectation of a given loss function (Monte Carlo approximation). .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{p(x)}[loss(x)] \approx \frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^L loss(x_l), where :math:`x_l \sim p(x)`. """ def __init__(self, p, loss, input_var=None): if input_var is None: input_var = list(set(p.input_var) | set(loss.input_var) - set(p.var)) self._loss = loss super().__init__(p, input_var=input_var) @property def loss_text(self): return "E_{}[{}]".format(self._p1.prob_text, self._loss.loss_text) def _get_estimated_value(self, x={}, **kwargs): samples_dict = self._p1.sample(x, reparam=True, return_all=True) # TODO: whether estimate or _get_estimate_value loss, loss_sample_dict = self._loss.estimate(samples_dict, return_dict=True) samples_dict.update(loss_sample_dict) return loss, samples_dict