Source code for pixyz.utils

import functools
import torch
import sympy
from IPython.display import Math
import pixyz

_EPSILON = 1e-07

[docs]def set_epsilon(eps): """Set a `epsilon` parameter. Parameters ---------- eps : int or float Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> from unittest import mock >>> with mock.patch('pixyz.utils._EPSILON', 1e-07): ... set_epsilon(1e-06) ... epsilon() 1e-06 """ global _EPSILON _EPSILON = eps
[docs]def epsilon(): """Get a `epsilon` parameter. Returns ------- int or float Examples -------- >>> from unittest import mock >>> with mock.patch('pixyz.utils._EPSILON', 1e-07): ... epsilon() 1e-07 """ return _EPSILON
[docs]def get_dict_values(dicts, keys, return_dict=False): """Get values from `dicts` specified by `keys`. When `return_dict` is True, return values are in dictionary format. Parameters ---------- dicts : dict keys : list return_dict : bool Returns ------- dict or list Examples -------- >>> get_dict_values({"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}, ["b"]) [2] >>> get_dict_values({"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}, ["b", "d"], True) {'b': 2} """ new_dicts = dict((key, dicts[key]) for key in keys if key in list(dicts.keys())) if return_dict is False: return list(new_dicts.values()) return new_dicts
[docs]def delete_dict_values(dicts, keys): """Delete values from `dicts` specified by `keys`. Parameters ---------- dicts : dict keys : list Returns ------- new_dicts : dict Examples -------- >>> delete_dict_values({"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}, ["b","d"]) {'a': 1, 'c': 3} """ new_dicts = dict((key, value) for key, value in dicts.items() if key not in keys) return new_dicts
[docs]def detach_dict(dicts): """Detach all values in `dicts`. Parameters ---------- dicts : dict Returns ------- dict """ return {k: v.detach() for k, v in dicts.items()}
[docs]def replace_dict_keys(dicts, replace_list_dict): """ Replace values in `dicts` according to `replace_list_dict`. Parameters ---------- dicts : dict Dictionary. replace_list_dict : dict Dictionary. Returns ------- replaced_dicts : dict Dictionary. Examples -------- >>> replace_dict_keys({"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}, {"a":"x","b":"y"}) {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'c': 3} >>> replace_dict_keys({"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}, {"a":"x","e":"y"}) # keys of `replace_list_dict` {'x': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} """ replaced_dicts = dict([(replace_list_dict[key], value) if key in list(replace_list_dict.keys()) else (key, value) for key, value in dicts.items()]) return replaced_dicts
[docs]def replace_dict_keys_split(dicts, replace_list_dict): """ Replace values in `dicts` according to :attr:`replace_list_dict`. Replaced dict is splitted by :attr:`replaced_dict` and :attr:`remain_dict`. Parameters ---------- dicts : dict Dictionary. replace_list_dict : dict Dictionary. Returns ------- replaced_dict : dict Dictionary. remain_dict : dict Dictionary. Examples -------- >>> replace_list_dict = {'a': 'loc'} >>> x_dict = {'a': 0, 'b': 1} >>> print(replace_dict_keys_split(x_dict, replace_list_dict)) ({'loc': 0}, {'b': 1}) """ replaced_dict = {replace_list_dict[key]: value for key, value in dicts.items() if key in list(replace_list_dict.keys())} remain_dict = {key: value for key, value in dicts.items() if key not in list(replace_list_dict.keys())} return replaced_dict, remain_dict
# immutable dict class
[docs]class FrozenSampleDict: def __init__(self, dict_): self.dict = dict_ def __hash__(self): hashes = [(hash(key), hash(value)) for key, value in self.dict.items()] return hash(tuple(hashes)) def __eq__(self, other): class EqTensor: def __init__(self, tensor): self.tensor = tensor def __eq__(self, other): if not torch.is_tensor(self.tensor): return self.tensor == other.tensor return torch.all(self.tensor.eq(other.tensor)) return {key: EqTensor(value) for key, value in self.dict.items()} ==\ {key: EqTensor(value) for key, value in other.dict.items()}
[docs]def lru_cache_for_sample_dict(maxsize=0): """ Memoize the calculation result linked to the argument of sample dict. Note that dictionary arguments of the target function must be sample dict. Parameters ---------- maxsize: cache size prepared for the target method Returns ------- decorator function Examples -------- >>> import time >>> import torch.nn as nn >>> import pixyz.utils as utils >>> # utils.CACHE_SIZE = 2 # you can also use this module option to enable all memoization of distribution >>> import pixyz.distributions as pd >>> class LongEncoder(pd.Normal): ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__(var=['x'], cond_var=['y']) ... self.nn = nn.Sequential(*(nn.Linear(1,1) for i in range(10000))) ... def forward(self, y): ... return {'loc': self.nn(y), 'scale': torch.ones(1,1)} ... @lru_cache_for_sample_dict(maxsize=2) ... def get_params(self, params_dict={}, **kwargs): ... return super().get_params(params_dict, **kwargs) >>> def measure_time(func): ... start = time.time() ... func() ... elapsed_time = time.time() - start ... return elapsed_time >>> le = LongEncoder() >>> y = torch.ones(1, 1) >>> t_sample1 = measure_time(lambda:le.sample({'y': y})) >>> print ("sample1:{0}".format(t_sample1) + "[sec]") # doctest: +SKIP >>> t_log_prob = measure_time(lambda:le.get_log_prob({'x': y, 'y': y})) >>> print ("log_prob:{0}".format(t_log_prob) + "[sec]") # doctest: +SKIP >>> t_sample2 = measure_time(lambda:le.sample({'y': y})) >>> print ("sample2:{0}".format(t_sample2) + "[sec]") # doctest: +SKIP >>> assert t_sample1 > t_sample2, "processing time increases: {0}".format(t_sample2 - t_sample1) """ if not CACHE_SIZE and not maxsize: return lambda x: x if not maxsize: maxsize = CACHE_SIZE raw_decorating_function = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize, typed=False) def decorating_function(user_function): def wrapped_user_function(sender, *args, **kwargs): new_args = list(args) new_kwargs = dict(kwargs) for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], FrozenSampleDict): new_args[i] = args[i].dict for key in kwargs.keys(): if isinstance(kwargs[key], FrozenSampleDict): new_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key].dict return user_function(sender, *new_args, **new_kwargs) def frozen(wrapper): def frozen_wrapper(sender, *args, **kwargs): new_args = list(args) new_kwargs = dict(kwargs) for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], list): new_args[i] = tuple(args[i]) elif isinstance(args[i], dict): new_args[i] = FrozenSampleDict(args[i]) for key in kwargs.keys(): if isinstance(kwargs[key], list): new_kwargs[key] = tuple(kwargs[key]) elif isinstance(kwargs[key], dict): new_kwargs[key] = FrozenSampleDict(kwargs[key]) result = wrapper(sender, *new_args, **new_kwargs) return result return frozen_wrapper return frozen(raw_decorating_function(wrapped_user_function)) return decorating_function
[docs]def tolist(a): """Convert a given input to the dictionary format. Parameters ---------- a : list or other Returns ------- list Examples -------- >>> tolist(2) [2] >>> tolist([1, 2]) [1, 2] >>> tolist([]) [] """ if type(a) is list: return a return [a]
[docs]def sum_samples(samples): """Sum a given sample across the axes. Parameters ---------- samples : torch.Tensor Input sample. The number of this axes is assumed to be 4 or less. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Sum over all axes except the first axis. Examples -------- >>> a = torch.ones([2]) >>> sum_samples(a).size() torch.Size([2]) >>> a = torch.ones([2, 3]) >>> sum_samples(a).size() torch.Size([2]) >>> a = torch.ones([2, 3, 4]) >>> sum_samples(a).size() torch.Size([2]) """ dim = samples.dim() if dim == 1: return samples elif dim <= 4: dim_list = list(torch.arange(samples.dim())) samples = torch.sum(samples, dim=dim_list[1:]) return samples raise ValueError("The number of sample axes must be any of 1, 2, 3, or 4, " "got %s." % dim)
[docs]def convert_latex_name(name): return sympy.latex(sympy.Symbol(name))