Source code for pixyz.distributions.flow_distribution

import torch
from ..distributions import Distribution
from ..utils import get_dict_values

[docs]class TransformedDistribution(Distribution): r""" Convert flow transformations to distributions. .. math:: p(z=f_{flow}(x)), where :math:`x \sim p_{prior}(x)`. Once initializing, it can be handled as a distribution module. """ def __init__(self, prior, flow, var, name="p"): if flow.in_features: features_shape = [flow.in_features] else: features_shape = torch.Size() super().__init__(var=var, cond_var=prior.cond_var, name=name, features_shape=features_shape) self.prior = prior self.flow = flow # FlowList self._flow_input_var = list(prior.var) self.stored_x = {} @property def distribution_name(self): return "TransformedDistribution" @property def flow_input_var(self): """list: Input variables of the flow module.""" return self._flow_input_var @property def prob_factorized_text(self): flow_text = "{}=f_{{flow}}({})".format(self.var[0], self.flow_input_var[0]) prob_text = "{}({})".format(self._name, flow_text) return prob_text @property def logdet_jacobian(self): """ Get log-determinant Jacobian. Before calling this, you should run :attr:`forward` or :attr:`update_jacobian` methods to calculate and store log-determinant Jacobian. """ return self.flow.logdet_jacobian
[docs] def sample(self, x_dict={}, batch_n=None, sample_shape=torch.Size(), return_all=True, reparam=False, compute_jacobian=True): # sample from the prior sample_dict = self.prior.sample(x_dict, batch_n=batch_n, sample_shape=sample_shape, return_all=False) # flow transformation _x = get_dict_values(sample_dict, self.flow_input_var)[0] z = self.forward(_x, compute_jacobian=compute_jacobian) output_dict = {self.var[0]: z} output_dict.update(sample_dict) if return_all: x_dict = x_dict.copy() x_dict.update(output_dict) return x_dict return output_dict
@property def has_reparam(self): return self.prior.has_reparam
[docs] def get_log_prob(self, x_dict, sum_features=True, feature_dims=None, compute_jacobian=False): """ It calculates the log-likelihood for a given z. If a flow module has no inverse method, it only supports the previously sampled z-values. """ inf_dict = self._inference(x_dict, compute_jacobian=compute_jacobian) # prior log_prob_prior = self.prior.get_log_prob(inf_dict, sum_features=sum_features, feature_dims=feature_dims) return log_prob_prior - self.logdet_jacobian
def _inference(self, x_dict, return_all=True, compute_jacobian=False): # flow transformation _z = get_dict_values(x_dict, self.var) _y = get_dict_values(x_dict, self.cond_var, return_dict=True) try: x = self.inverse(_z[0]) except NotImplementedError: hash_z = hash(_z[0]) if hash_z not in self.stored_x: raise Exception("Cannot calculate x because it is not z used in the previous sample.") x = self.stored_x[hash_z] self.stored_x.pop(hash_z) output_dict = {self._flow_input_var[0]: x, self.var[0]: _z} output_dict.update(_y) # flow if compute_jacobian: self(x, compute_jacobian=True) if return_all: output_dict.update(x_dict) return output_dict
[docs] def forward(self, x, y=None, compute_jacobian=True): """ Forward propagation of flow layers. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Input data. y : torch.Tensor, defaults to None Data for conditioning. compute_jacobian : bool, defaults to True Whether to calculate and store log-determinant Jacobian. If true, calculated Jacobian values are stored in :attr:`logdet_jacobian`. Returns ------- z : torch.Tensor """ # hotfix: Suppress warnings from pytorch about mixed memory operations z = self.flow.forward(x=x, y=y, compute_jacobian=compute_jacobian).contiguous() self.stored_x.clear() self.stored_x[hash(z)] = x return z
[docs] def inverse(self, z, y=None): """ Backward (inverse) propagation of flow layers. In this method, log-determinant Jacobian is not calculated. Parameters ---------- z : torch.Tensor Input data. y : torch.Tensor, defaults to None Data for conditioning. Returns ------- x : torch.Tensor """ return self.flow.inverse(z=z, y=y)
[docs]class InverseTransformedDistribution(Distribution): r""" Convert inverse flow transformations to distributions. .. math:: p(x=f^{-1}_{flow}(z)), where :math:`z \sim p_{prior}(z)`. Once initializing, it can be handled as a distribution module. Moreover, this distribution can take a conditional variable. .. math:: p(x=f^{-1}_{flow}(z, y)), where :math:`z \sim p_{prior}(z)` and :math:`y` is given. """ def __init__(self, prior, flow, var, cond_var=[], name="p"): if flow.in_features: features_shape = [flow.in_features] else: features_shape = torch.Size() super().__init__(var, cond_var=cond_var, name=name, features_shape=features_shape) self.prior = prior self.flow = flow # FlowList self._flow_output_var = list(prior.var) @property def distribution_name(self): return "InverseTransformedDistribution" @property def flow_output_var(self): return self._flow_output_var @property def prob_factorized_text(self): var_text = ','.join(self.flow_output_var + self.cond_var) flow_text = "{}=f^{{-1}}_{{flow}}({})".format(self.var[0], var_text) prob_text = "{}({})".format(self._name, flow_text) return prob_text @property def logdet_jacobian(self): """ Get log-determinant Jacobian. Before calling this, you should run :attr:`forward` or :attr:`update_jacobian` methods to calculate and store log-determinant Jacobian. """ return self.flow.logdet_jacobian
[docs] def sample(self, x_dict={}, batch_n=None, sample_shape=torch.Size(), return_all=True, reparam=False, return_hidden=True): # sample from the prior sample_dict = self.prior.sample(x_dict, batch_n=batch_n, sample_shape=sample_shape, return_all=False, reparam=reparam) # inverse flow transformation _z = get_dict_values(sample_dict, self.flow_output_var) _y = get_dict_values(x_dict, self.cond_var) if len(_y) == 0: x = self.inverse(_z[0]) else: x = self.inverse(_z[0], y=_y[0]) output_dict = {self.var[0]: x} if return_hidden: output_dict.update(sample_dict) if return_all: x_dict = x_dict.copy() x_dict.update(output_dict) return x_dict return output_dict
@property def has_reparam(self): return self.prior.has_reparam
[docs] def inference(self, x_dict, return_all=True, compute_jacobian=False): # flow transformation _x = get_dict_values(x_dict, self.var) _y = get_dict_values(x_dict, self.cond_var) if len(_y) == 0: z = self.forward(_x[0], compute_jacobian=compute_jacobian) else: z = self.forward(_x[0], y=_y[0], compute_jacobian=compute_jacobian) output_dict = {self.flow_output_var[0]: z} if return_all: output_dict.update(x_dict) return output_dict
[docs] def get_log_prob(self, x_dict, sum_features=True, feature_dims=None): # flow output_dict = self.inference(x_dict, return_all=True, compute_jacobian=True) # prior log_prob_prior = self.prior.get_log_prob(output_dict, sum_features=sum_features, feature_dims=feature_dims) return log_prob_prior + self.logdet_jacobian
[docs] def forward(self, x, y=None, compute_jacobian=True): """ Forward propagation of flow layers. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Input data. y : torch.Tensor, defaults to None Data for conditioning. compute_jacobian : bool, defaults to True Whether to calculate and store log-determinant Jacobian. If true, calculated Jacobian values are stored in :attr:`logdet_jacobian`. Returns ------- z : torch.Tensor """ # hotfix: Suppress warnings from pytorch about mixed memory operations return self.flow.forward(x=x, y=y, compute_jacobian=compute_jacobian).contiguous()
[docs] def inverse(self, z, y=None): """ Backward (inverse) propagation of flow layers. In this method, log-determinant Jacobian is not calculated. Parameters ---------- z : torch.Tensor Input data. y : torch.Tensor, defaults to None Data for conditioning. Returns ------- x : torch.Tensor """ return self.flow.inverse(z=z, y=y)